Dissatisfaction grows in open source projects. Lack of remuneration given growing demands on functions, documentation and ...
While calls for AI-supported facial recognition to prevent crime are becoming ever louder, data protection experts are once ...
Skoda and Hyundai want to promote hydrogen as an energy source with a cooperation. What this could actually lead to remains ...
The EU wants to produce a fifth of all chips worldwide by 2030. Achieving this target would be nothing short of a miracle.
Statutorily insured patients are to receive the electronic patient file automatically. However, there is a risk of a chaotic ...
X faces a hefty fine in Brazil for circumventing the ban on his service in the country. The conflict with Brazil's judiciary ...
At the end of August, around 450 German youth hostels were disrupted. The cause was unclear. Apparently, a ransomware attack ...
Nokia has won a patent dispute against Amazon before the Munich Regional Court and could now stop the sale of certain models ...
Die Filmbiografie von Lee Miller zeigt eine Frau, die mit ihren ästhetisch-dokumentarischen Fotos aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ...
Auf der Konferenz „Light of The Future“ in China wurden zahlreiche Fortschritte bei Laserdisplay-Technologien präsentiert und ...
Nach Ärger mit dem Raumschiff "Starliner" und Problemen bei Rüstungsprojekten wechselt Boeing den zuständigen Spartenchef aus ...
Der Börsenwert von Intel sackte seit Ende 2023 um mehr als 50 Prozent ab. Qualcomm war zuletzt nach einem Kursanstieg um rund ...