土著团结党原任总秘书韩沙再努丁确认,将在来临党选中问鼎署理主席一职。 《马新社》报道,韩沙代表证实,已于今早11点前往团结党总部提交提名表格。 至于原任署理主席阿末费沙,则遵循党领导层的决议,“降级”竞选副主席一职,以让路给韩沙。
Workplace rotation for immigration staff will be implemented immediately, especially for those who have served at a place for ...
The Environment Department (DOE) has rejected the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for an oil palm plantation ...
环境局发言人向《当今大马》证实,纯绿发展有限公司(Pure Green Development Sdn Bhd,简称纯绿公司)的油棕园计划未能过关。
Timbalan Presiden Bersatu Ahmad Faizal Azumu menerima keputusan agar dia berundur selangkah ke belakang” dan memberi ruang ...
A PAS leader has challenged Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to “free” all government MPs first from all that binds them to the ...
The Urban Redevelopment Act (URA), which is in the final stage of drafting before being tabled in Parliament, will make the ...
MAHKOTA BY-ELECTION | A Perikatan Nasional Youth member lodged a police report against BN today over the alleged misuse of ...
根据《自由今日大马》希尔曼(Hilman Idham)今天召开记者会说,他今早9点已向党总部提交竞选团长职的提名表格。
When contacted, Faizal, who is set to downgrade and contest for one of three Bersatu vice-president posts, said his focus is ...
Badrul Hisham Shaharin, also known as Chegubard, claimed that Akmal’s attacks against Kok over her remarks on halal ...